Sc1 - Duke Senior, Amiens, and three lords in Arden. The rule eloquently describes their free but banished life in the forest. A comparison is made to the Duke as usurper of the deer's lands, just as Frederick ursurped the old duke's lands. A quick story is told about Jacques, who lamented the death of a wild boar very poetically, as he watched the boar dying by the forest brook. The old duke asks to be taken to Jacques, as the old duke believes Jacques to be full of sense when he is in this kind of mood.
Sc2 - The girls are missing from the palace and no one saw them leave. The fool is also missing. One servant did overhear the girls talking about Orlando, so Oliver is sent for. The duke plans to make Oliver search for his brother.
Sc3 - At Orlando's home Adam is upset. Oliver heard of Orlando's triumph at wrestling and now is angry and wants to burn down Orlando's home, or otherwise kill him. Adam has some gold saved from working for Orlando's father, so with this the two set off. Adam quickly laments the 17 years he spent living here, but sees it is better to die well than in debt to his master.
Sc4 - Celia and Rosalind are tired from walking and in need of food and rest. They have made it to Arden. They see and old land and a younger man walk by talking. The younger man, Silvius, talks to Corin about missing his love and being away from here. Overhearing the conversation Roslind is struck with a pang of familiarity.
Almost fainting, Celia offers to buy Corin's house and land.
Sc5 - Amiens sings to Jaques to try and cheer him. Jaques appreciates the song, then offers another verse which seems to call any man who leave all his wealth behind a fool. The two prepare to head to the old duke's banquet, which has been set.
Sc6 - Adam too in dying from lack of food. Orlando urges him to stay alive and promises to bring back food or prperish himself during the search.
Sc7 - Orlando comes to the feast, reveals his relations, and he and Adam are both welcome and fed. In this scene there are 3 or 4 speeches by Jacques that seem to comment on the fools place. I had a difficult time fully understanding them, but I think they say that the fool must be free to speak what he wants to who he wants, sort of like free speech. I could be way off.
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